Australia’s Biggest Blood Pressure Check began in 2014. Initially, it was a one day national campaign, then it expanded to a month long campaign coinciding with World Hypertension Day in May. Download Australia's Biggest Blood Pressure Check 2024 report here
While May continues to be the month where “get your blood pressure checked” is our featured message to Australians everywhere, the campaign has revealed we can’t ever stop our efforts in stroke prevention and has inspired year-long programs to help reduce stroke risk in our nation and save lives.
We urge Australians to continue monitoring their blood pressure and encourage everyone to motivate their friends, family and work mates to get a health check too – it can save lives.
Ryman Blood Pressure Check Van
with Ryman Healthcare
Our Blood Pressure Check Van partnership with Ryman Healthcare delivered free blood pressure checks throughout Melbourne Metropolitan and in some regional areas in Victoria from 2019 until March 2020, when the van was forced off the road by COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns, with the van’s last checks taking place for Australia’s Biggest Blood Check on World Hypertension Day 17 May, 2021.
During our partnership,1,064 health checks were conducted – most over just five months before the pandemic hit. About 39% were people under 54 years of age, with 18% between 55 and 64 years and 43% over 65 years of age.
Of the 1,064 checks, just over half (55%) were found to be at high risk of stroke, with 39% at intermediate risk, and 6% at low risk. Those found to be at high risk of stroke were referred to appropriate GP/primary care services.
Analysis of the health checks data revealed participant likelihood for being at high risk of stroke:
- Over 65 years of age: 2.08 times more likely.
- Between 55 and 64 years of age: 1.23 times more likely.
- Males: 1.49 times more likely than females.
The Ryman Healthcare Blood Pressure Check Van proved that a mobile solution visiting communities with free blood pressure checks can make a real difference to improving blood pressure awareness and people taking action to reduce their stroke risk.
My health for life
with the Queensland Government
Funded by the Queensland Government through Health and Wellbeing Queensland, My health for life is a FREE Health Coaching initiative supporting Queensland adults to make healthier choices and create healthier habits to reduce their risk of developing chronic conditions such as stroke, type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
My health for life has helped over 30,000 Queenslanders create healthier habits – with 68% reducing their waist circumference, 55% meeting alcohol consumption guidelines, 28.5% quitting smoking and 42% meeting physical activity guidelines.
The initiative is delivered by The Healthier Queensland Alliance — a partnership, led by Diabetes Australia, that includes the Stroke Foundation, the Heart Foundation, Ethnic Communities Council of Queensland (ECCQ), the Queensland Aboriginal and Islander Health Council (QAIHC) and Queensland’s Primary Health Networks.
To find out more, visit, email or call 13 74 75. -
SiSU Health Stations
with SiSU Wellness
In partnership with SiSU Wellness, more than 1.2 million free health checks were conducted through our joint promotion of Australia’s Biggest Blood Pressure Check and the free, quick convenience of more than 300 SiSU Health Check Stations found at Priceline Pharmacies and other locations nationally.
More than 80% of people who had their blood pressure checked didn’t know they had high blood pressure and were referred to their doctor for further advice. The advanced data collection of SiSU Health Stations revealed heartening results, with around 60% of people who learned they had high blood pressure taking action and returning healthier blood pressure check results in subsequent checks.
Download 2018 Australia's Biggest Blood Pressure Check Report
Download 2017 Australia's Biggest Blood Pressure Check Report